You shouldn’t ever be asked to show your prescription, but you’ll likely need it in the event you have to order new parts or supplies during your trip. Always Travel With a Copy of Your CPAP Prescription – While you’ll almost certainly never need it, you’ll be very glad you have it if the right (or more accurately, wrong) circumstances arise.You never know when something might break, get chewed up by an in-law’s pet, or become lost, and having backup supplies will help to keep your therapy on track. Bring Extra CPAP Supplies – While packing a ton of extra supplies can get cumbersome quickly, we highly recommend designating some luggage space for a backup mask cushion, some machine filters, and/or an extra set of headgear.Make sure that your equipment is totally dry to prevent mold and mildew from growing in your mask, tubing, or humidifier. Clean and Dry Before Packing – You’ll want to thoroughly clean your equipment immediately before packing it.Having a fresh tube, cushion, and air filter will make maintenance easier and reduce the chance of something important breaking while you’re away from home. Replace Old Supplies – It’s a good idea to replace any worn CPAP supplies with new materials before your trip.Doing this two weeks in advance will give you time to order any necessary replacements or backups, and will allow you to test any travel accessories, such as a new CPAP battery, in the comfort of your home. Search for signs of wear or any pieces that could break or fail during your trip.
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Test and Check Your Equipment in Advance – We recommend carefully inspecting your CPAP machine, mask, tubing, and any extra accessories (such as a backup power supply) two full weeks in advance of your trip.

Regardless of how you’ll be traveling, here are ten things you’ll want to do before ever leaving home with your CPAP machine: